Since the beginning in 1995 we have created impressions of leaves in concrete. Leaves include Artichoke, Inula, Cardoon, Nasturtium, Sword Fern, Chain Fern, Rhubarb, Ginkgo, Redwood, Corn, Miscanthus, Potato, Curly Dock, Tobacco, Maple, Grape, Echium, Acanthus, Zucchini, Heracleum, and various grasses, flowers, and herbs. Most often the fossil-like leaf imprints are filled and polished to create a smooth recreation of the leaves vein structures, but sometimes we left the leaves unfilled with a raw texture. Versions of these works available for commission, though the style has more texture to it now.
Plantain and Native Plant Pliny with Grey FillRotted Leaf Pliny 16″Corn Stalk PlinyDust-Filled Sword Fern PlinyEchium 12″ SquareOrange Artichoke Skye BenchCalla Lily Pliny in Yellow-Brown fillRhubarb Grey PlinyCorn Stalk Pliny TableVarious Sage and Leaf Pliny TableUnknown Native Herb PlinyNasturtium Pliny TableRedwood Leaf Pliny 12″ x 20″Multicolored Pliy variety pack (tobacco leaf second from front)horseradish leaf Pliny (14″ x 20″)Plantain Leaf 20″ Pliny TableHeracleum Pliny with StemDust Rhubarb PlinyGrey Acanthus PlinySword Fern Metallic Fill Closeup20″ Sage and Burdock PlinyFour Leaf RhubarbRed Rhubarb Scroll TablePink Persimmon 12″ x 18″ SquareChalice Table with Smokebush Leaf ImpressionsUnknown Leaf on Left, Calla Lily on RIghtMulticolored 16″ Square SetupRaw Artichoke Leaf Pliy TablesZuchinni Leaf Freyja 24″Potato leaf 16″ x 18″